
I haven't slept in more than 32 hours.
But it's okay, because I've handed in my project.
The holidays has started.

My body is shaking. I had way too much coffee and sugar last night.

Tomorrow I'm going to bake cookies for christmas presents, buy a whole bunch of presents (i have no idea what yet), meet up with my dad, maybe see TRON: Legacy, do some laundry and go out with some friends at night. Thursday I'm going to buy the last presents, wrap them and make cards, pack, go to the gym, say hi to my grandma and then in the evening, my dad and I heading towards Bornholm to celebrate christmas. My grandma lives there, in a village by the sea, and it's by far the best place to celebrate christmas ever. So idyllic.

I was planning on going out tonight, to celebrate the hand in of my project, but I'm shaky and tired, so I'll probably just go to bed soon. I have a lot to do tomorrow, so it's probably for the best anyway.

To make this post less boring, here's a recent (very quick) drawing. I love purple x orange.

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