
Happy New Year!

I can't believe 2010 is already over.
This have been such a great year. I've had some bad times, but when I look back, I think of mostly positive things.

2010 was a year of travel for me. I visited 7 countries in a total, on 5 different travels. I went to Prague with some kids from my school, Barcelona with my classmates, on a hitchhiking trip through Germany and The Netherlands with a friend, on a road-trip to eastern Europe with my dad, and finally to Berlin with some classmates and a lot of the other seniors at my school.
I love traveling, so in terms of that, this was a perfect year.

I met so many new people, experienced so many fantastic things, had some great adventures... ok this is getting too melodramatic. But you get the idea.
I think I grew up a lot in 2010.

















2010 in pictures


My friend Linn is coming over for dinner in a few hours. A little later some of the boys from our class are coming over for a few beers and then we'll all go watch the fireworks another place in the city at 12 o'clock. Then I'll meet up with Katalin and we'll get drunk(er) and party all night.
Tomorrow I'll plan on having major hangovers and eat a cheeseburger. The last cheeseburger in two months! One of my New Years resolutions is not to eat meat in two months.

Have a great and safe New Years Eve guys!


Ordered my iPhone 3GS today! I'm madly excited for it to arrive.

Monday, my mum took me to the cinema to see Biutiful.
I can't remember the last time a movie touched me so much. I cried in the cinema and I almost never do that. It was truly - beautiful.

It's only being shown in a few cinemas here, but really, you should all watch this.
I haven't seen other Iñárritu films than Babel before (you know, the one with the deaf japanese girl), but he's amazing. I need to watch his other films soon.


I'm having massive hangovers today and had to spend my morning cleaning instead of sleeping. After cleaning and showering, I met up with my friend Amy for hot chocolate. She's off to Paris tomorrow. Not jealous at all.. (as if).

Buttt seeing as I hardly got any sleep last night, I'll go to bed with more hot chocolate and The Subtle Knife now. I finished The Golden Compass weeks ago, but I haven't got around starting part two before today. 


Happy Holidays everybody!
I hope all of you who celebrate christmas had a great time yesterday/today/whenever you celebrate.

I was supposed to go to Bornholm (tiny island) where my grandma lives to celebrate christmas, but because of the massive amounts of snow they got over there, we couldn't go. It would be impossible to get to my grandma's house from the port. My dad wanted to go but I'm glad we didn't - a lot of people had to spend christmas eve in a sports hall.
Instead we stayed here at my apartment. Most of my mum's family came, so it was a nice christmas after all.

I got a lot of money, so I can buy the boots I talked about a few months ago.

Decided to get them in dark brown instead of tan though.
But really, I can't wait to get them! My feet are cold and these are gorgeous. My black Dr. Martens are gorgeous too, but they're not warm enough.

Luckily, I got a tad more money than I need for the boots. I say luckily, because I lost my phone a few nights ago. Alcohol may or may not have been involved, but let's not talk about that. Bottom line is that I need a new phone. And if I'm lucky, it'll be this little wonder.

If I'm extremely lucky, it'll be the iPhone 4, but I'm not getting my hopes up. The 3GS is more than enough for me. I'll be happy to have any iPhone.
But it all depends on my provider, so we'll see on monday when I call them.
I might be selling my Nintendo DS Lite to afford it. Anybody interested? It comes with an R4 loaded with games.

It's past 1am and I slept on a sofa last night, so I think I'll go to bed now. I'm exhausted after two days of eating non-stop. /first world problem


I haven't slept in more than 32 hours.
But it's okay, because I've handed in my project.
The holidays has started.

My body is shaking. I had way too much coffee and sugar last night.

Tomorrow I'm going to bake cookies for christmas presents, buy a whole bunch of presents (i have no idea what yet), meet up with my dad, maybe see TRON: Legacy, do some laundry and go out with some friends at night. Thursday I'm going to buy the last presents, wrap them and make cards, pack, go to the gym, say hi to my grandma and then in the evening, my dad and I heading towards Bornholm to celebrate christmas. My grandma lives there, in a village by the sea, and it's by far the best place to celebrate christmas ever. So idyllic.

I was planning on going out tonight, to celebrate the hand in of my project, but I'm shaky and tired, so I'll probably just go to bed soon. I have a lot to do tomorrow, so it's probably for the best anyway.

To make this post less boring, here's a recent (very quick) drawing. I love purple x orange.


I haven't really updated for a while. Not because I don't want to, but because the only thing my fingers seem to be able to type about, are Mexican immigrants. I’m in the middle of my ~line of study project~ aka SRP, and it’s consuming all my energy and focus. I'm at The Royal Library every day from 11am to 9pm. When I come home, my brain is too exhausted to compose sentences, which is why writing this blog has taken me about 30 minutes. I usually just surf a little and then go to bed with an episode of Misfits (which is, btw, a fucking great show). Then sleep for at least 9 hours (less doesn't seem to cut it), get up, shower, eat and go back to the library. 
Even if I had energy enough to blog everyday, I wouldn't really have anything interesting to say. Unless you guys want to hear all about immigration to the US.
I am, however, enjoying this project quite a lot. It's nice being able to dig deep down into a topic. I'm almost beginning to like this zombie state my brain is in. And I'm certainly enjoying studying at ~The Royal Library~. I've never really been there before I started this project, but it's quite an amazing place.  

I'm handing in this project on tuesday at 2:15pm. After that, it's celabration and oh happy days. And almost christmas. Haven't bought any presents yet. fuckkk

Hope you're all enjoying your sweet and jolly lives. Misfits and bed now. 
See you on the other side.


I've  had a great weekend so far!
On friday I went to the christmas party at my school. It was cold as hell, but after a few beers you didn't really notice and I had such a good time. In my 1st and 2nd year, I always found the parties and my school boring and dull, but this year they've all been great. Maybe it's because I'm in the party committee now, so it's kind of my job to make them great.
On saturday, I had a work shift at ZeBU (the theater I got a christmas season job at). This is the best job ever, seriously. I actually like being at work, and I'm looking forward to my shift today. I got to see the show yesterday and it's so beautiful. It's difficult to explain, but it's a play with lights and music rather than actors. It's called The Holy Night and seriously, if you're in Copenhagen, go see it!

Made a new desktop. I loved the Harry Potter one, but I wanted something simpler. However, I made the Deathly Hallows icon for the folder next to the trash can, so I still had a little bit of Harry Potter feeling. If anybody is interested, I would be happy to upload the .ico file. I've begun making my own icons and it's a lot of fun!

Have to be at work in an hour, going to shower now.
I hope you all had/are having a great weekend too (:


Vivienne Westwood opened an online store last thursday?
brb robbing a bank so i can get some $$$




These are all gorgeous. 
And last but not least; they still carry the Anglomania Wing!

I've been lusting over these since I saw them in the SS10 runway show. And they're only 120£! If they're still available in my size when I get a job (hopefully around january/february), I'm getting them. If not, I will hunt them down on eBay or something, I need them in my life.


I  got a haircut today for the first time in two years. My last was in a crappy barbershop in London, december 2008, so it was well needed. I thought about going short ala this, this or this (still keeping my long straight bangs), but in the end I chickened out. Short could be fresh and a nice change, however my goal is to get looong big hair and going short isn't going to help me accomplish that.
So I just got all the damaged ends cut off and my bangs made a little heavier. I like it, but it's not very different from before. My mum didn't even notice before I pointed it out. So I'm thinking about dying it, to make some sort of change. The most obvious thing to do would be to resume project ginger, which failed a few months ago. However, I kind of want to do something more fun. I have half a tub of ~pillarbox red~, would dyed red tips look ridiculous? Trashy?


It's 0:44 am, I should probably go to bed. I've been re-reading The Golden Compass this week and I've only got 2 chapters left. Gonna go read them now!
Goodnight (: